Model register Concept development [Translate to English:] From September 2017 to May 2018, the design of 16 registries from approximately 100 registry ideas was funded to develop a registry protocol. Implementation phase These six registries have been funded since March 2019: TOFU - Registry on Treatment Exit Options for Non-Infectious Uveitis. RECUR - Establishing a national registry for recurrent upper urinary tract stone disease HerediCaRe - Establishing a national registry to evaluate and improve risk-adapted prevention for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer ParaReg - Establishment of a web-based registry for lifelong monitoring of paraplegics. FeverApp Registry - Establishing a registry to inform and self-document family treatment practices for fever using an app. SOLKID-GNR - The safety of the living kidney donor - the German national registry Sustainability It is the goal of all registries that they become permanent even after the funding period of up to five years.
Das FieberApp-Register wird von 2019 bis 2024 gefördert vom BMBF mehr Der Inhalt der App wird evaluiert durch den klinischen Beirat des BVKJ e.V. mehr Mitglied im wissenschaftlichen Dachverband TMF e.V. mehr